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2001 Journals
2002 Journals
2003 Journals
2004 Journals
2005 Journals
2006 Journals
2007 Journals
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Catch up with what the crew of Long Passages has been doing over the past few years.


  • Journal summary for 2001. - Long Passages spends almost a year in Singapore, her crew travels to Nepal and China and designs a website.  We sail up the Malaysia coast to Langkawi and fly back to the US for a surprise Christmas visit.
  • Journal summary for 2002 - Judi has an operation and we refit Long Passages with lots of stuff.  We travel to Angkor Wat in Cambodia and get ready for our passage to the Red Sea.
  • Journal summary for 2003. - We finally move on, leaving Thailand in January, across the Indian Ocean to Sri Lanka and the Maldives to Oman.  The long-delayed trek up the Red Sea and to Turkey by July.  Then we flew to the UK to get a motor-home and drove through Europe back to Turkey.
  • Journal summary for 2004 - Starting with storms in Antalya and a visit to the US by Judi, this became a year on the road with our motor-home as we drove from Turkey to the Arctic Circle in Scandinavia and back to Spain.  We were graced by a visit by Bekah, Judi's niece from Oregon for 2 months.
  • Journal summary for 2005 - We sadly left Turkey in our wake, making it as far as Italy on Long Passages and we returned to our peregrinations with the motor-home visiting England and Spain.

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