Marina Life
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Marina life in Marmaris was like it is in many small towns - friendly, sociable where one often walks to town and uses the same barber for the whole season. And of course, parties and exercise classes fill many hours for many of us.



Marmaris town


Marmaris Waterfront


Marmaris Yacht Marine


Locals playing backgammon


Gulets on the town down


Rain, Storms and lots of Sun


Long Passages set up for rainy winter living


Boat sunk in gale force winds over 50 knots


Sunday BBQ held the 1st Sunday of the month at Netsel Marina


Master chef, Dan, of S/Y Dakare cooks up the BBQ fare


Social Activities 2004-2005
There was a very active social life amongst the yachties spending the winter in Marmaris.



Peter, skipper of Voyager celebrating New Years


Peter (Voyager) and Ligia (Quest) celebrating the New Year


Jeanette (Voyager) enjoying New Year's party


Peter's 70th Birthday party on Long Passages


Janet (Chanticleer) helping cut the cake


Mike and Ligia sell Quest - we temporarily say "goodbye"


Traditional Turkish foods served at a special dinner for cruisers


A musical group played traditional music with Turkish instruments


Great Turkish foods


Nasili (Marmaris Yacht Marina office manager) tells us about the foods.


Partying onboard Aluchio with Rama and Martin and Italians Lino and Claudia of Lumo d'faro.


Rama keeps the pina coladas coming


Ladies coffee group at the local carpet shop


Learning about Turkish carpets at Silk Road Carpets


Very attentive audience of lady cruisers


Using our new found knowledge to appraise the carpets


We were even shown an Turkish antique rifle.


Pasta Making Day
Luisa, S/Y La Piatta, who is Italian, shows us how to make fresh pasta


Luisa teaching how to make pasta


Adding eggs


Kneading the pasta dough


Lots of kneading


Making noodles




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