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ending 1 May 04 (Bob)
Cappadocia -
Formations - Cappadocia is an area of sandstone formations that have eroded
in many wonderous shapes, similar to Meteora in Greece and
many formations like this that we saw in Australia. It was a school
holiday when we visited and children were everywhere, climbing all over the
formations while their parents took pictures. The so-called 'Fairy
Chimneys' were the most interesting of the formations. We were lucky to
find Kaya Camping, a great caravan park, only 2 kilometers from the Goreme Open Air
Museum where one can see these pinnacles.
U nderground
Cities - Around 4000 BCE people started to burrow into the soft
sandstone in this part of Turkey, and soon had developed entire cities in the
ground. Some were houses in the cliffs like the ones in the photo to the
left. but others were were 6-8 levels cities dug into the flat ground, basically
invisible from the surface. They would provide for ventilation, water
supplies, drainage, sleeping, churches, and storage - only food had to be
cultivated on the surface and brought below. By the 8th century AD they
had abandoned these cities -only to be rediscovered in the 20th century by
accident. So far thirty have been found, but countless others may exist
under the Turkish plateaus.
Encounter with Turkey's Finest - As we
left Cappadocia we drove through Nevasehir, passed a 'Radar' sign, slowed down -
but not enough. The Police explained in Turkish that we had exceeded the
speed limit and requested a $50 fine. Bob argued, implied (incorrectly and
improperly) that they were trying to rip us off and they offered to take us to
the Tourist Information Center so that charges could be explained. In the end they got
their $50 (94 kph in an 80 kph zone) and we shook hands and walked away with our
receipt. They were very courteous and professional at all times, and were
just doing their duty.
Ankara - missed opportunity - The capital
of Turkey promised to be an interesting experience - however!! We arrived
in the afternoon and could find no caravan parks, so we parked on a scenic
overlook with good views of the Ataturk Memorial. This turned out to be
the meeting place for lovers, drinkers, and perhaps worse - they kept us awake
until midnight and on edge all night. The next day we tried to find the
Archeological Museum, but signage failed us and we gave up - heading out of town
at 0900 unable to find any place to park; next stop: Istanbul.
Istanbul - crossroads of Asia and Europe -
Friends from the sailing yacht Okura had recommended that we use the Atakoy
Marina as our base while in Istanbul, so on arrival we checked in and an email
had smoothed the way. The General Manager kindly took time out of his busy
day (a boat show as in progress and a yachting rally started in 3 days) and
welcomed us, and had one of his people find us a spot to park for the next 3
days while we explored Istanbul. The marina was a very professional
operation with a uniformed staff, tight security, and well-protected berths.
We had a wonderful sea-front spot in their back parking lot.

ending 8 May 04 (Bob)
Leaving Turkey - and entering East Europe - We spent our last night in a
caravan park in Edirne, a small border town near to crossings to Bulgaria and
Greece. Up early, we headed for the border to find a 10KM queue of trucks
awaiting clearance to cross the border. We are not sure which side of the
border produced the hold-up, we followed cars and bypassed them all, going
through 4 checkpoints on the way out in about 30 minutes.
Bulgaria - The entry to Bulgaria was what we expected from an ex-Communist
country, slow, lots of stops, and only a few smiles. After that, it got
better - 2 lane roads made going a little slow, but the scenery was interesting.
As we approached a range of hills a bright glint of gold attracted our attention
and we drove into a small village to find:
Church of the Nativity -
In 1877 the Russians won a battle where we were driving, and the
citizens of St. Petersburg collected money to erect a church to commemorate
the event. By 1900 a beautiful Orthodox church graced this hillside
with bright colors and gold-plated domes. It was really the first
'tourist' site we had found in Bulgaria and many travelers were visited it,
taking photos, having a snack, and buying souvenirs - a very normal scene.
By the end of the day we had found an often-visited town with remnants of a
medieval castle.
- Veliko Tarnovo
We managed to drive through the main street of this cute town 3 times - once
looking for the caravan park (that we never found), once to find a hotel,
and a third time to approach the hotel from the proper directions. Up
a narrow street, scraping flower pots on the sidewalks as we went. We
parked beside the Comfort Hotel, but since we were leaning 10�,
we blocked the 'street' and had to move -
backing 2 blocks over rough cobblestones. Over the next day we visited
the Tsar's castle that had been here since the 14th century, had wonderful
meals for $4-5/person, and pawed over the souvenirs at many shops. Judi
bought some fabric craft items, and Bob got a hand-made knife from the
craftsman to the left. Finally we had to refill our wine cellar, and a
beautiful young lady helped us do it with wine ranging from $2 to $8/bottle.
- Summary of Bulgaria - It was a delightful surprise
- the people were very friendly (have you heard that before?), roads were
OK, price for meals were very low, and the food was very good. We
would definitely like to revisit this country.
Romania - Another ex-Communist
country that found itself independent after the 1989 break-up of the USSR, this
one has had a little more trouble getting its act together. The roads were
bad, and bypasses around cities were abysmal. We had decided to make
tracks for the capital and found ourselves on its 'beltway', a 2-lane rutted
road otherwise occupied with tractor-trailers, horse and donkey-drawn carts, and a few
cars. We followed this for 30KM, turned in the direction we thought the
caravan park should be and drove smack into a McDonald's!!!. Refreshed,
and assured there were no caravan parks around, we headed towards the airport,
and settled into a hotel parking lot - paying them 10 Euros for the privilege of
parking in their parking lot and using their toilets. After we found an
electrical plug, it wasn't too bad.
Bucharest - With 2 million people, the
capital of Romania is another big city - with a few remnants of its past
glory. We wandered through the 'old city' with many churches, narrow
streets, 2d hand stores, and some ornate buildings. The old banks were
the most impressive. The Historical Museum had a fascinating replica
of Trajan's Column, a 200' granite column with the story of Roman General
Trajan's victory over the Dacians in what would later be called 'Romania'.
The original is in Rome. We also walked to the Parliament building - a
huge complex reputed to be the world's 2d largest building, after the
Pentagon. This seems quite an extravagance for a country of 23 million
people, but we were to see more along this line.
US Air Force presence - By the way,
Romania is a member of NATO, and since the hotel was under the flight path, we
listened as many US aircraft, mostly large cargo planes and helicopters, took
off and landed at the main Bucharest airport as late as 11 PM.
Transylvania - Castles and
vampires - the usual images of Transylvania. We saw lots of the former
and none of the latter. More common were snow-capped mountains,
horse-drawn carts, plows with oxen pulling them along, small family farming
plots and huge fields of newly-planted grain. People were generally
somber, but often would smile if we waved. It looks like a hard life.
and Castles -
Our first visit was to the Peles Palace, (right->)perhaps the
most ornate palace we have seen so far on our travels through Europe.
King Carl had it built as a summer home from 1880 to 1914 and it had
fabulous carved woodwork, paintings, oriental carpets, and a dining set
reputed to have been carved by three generations of Indians over a period of
100 years. All work was exquisite, and his Turkish Room reminded us of
where we started this year's trip, a mere 10 days ago. The palace must
have cost a bundle - 4000 people worked on it -and this was only his summer
place, so we don't know what other projects may have helped debilitate the
country leading up to WWI. We also visited Bran Castle
(<-left), a medieval castle sometimes connected with Count Dracula (more
later. This was plain and utilitarian, originally intended to defend a
pass along an important trade route.
- Sighasoara - A small town with a picturesque
medieval city in its center - this is where Count Vlad Tepes, the Impaler, later known as
Dracula, was born. They play this card to the max in the souvenir
shops, and Bob succumbed and bought a blood-stained Dracula coffee mug, a wonderful
memento to see each morning!
Cluj Napoca - Using El Dorado Camping
as our base, we set out for the Apuseni Mountains near Cluj Napoca, and
spent the day wandering through small villages, along pretty streams, and
past countless small farms. Life for these farmers seems hard, the
soil is fertile but it is hilly, many toil with hand tools and animals, and
long years working the soil have left many bent and walking with the aid of
canes. Most children looked healthy and many village houses sported
satellite dishes, so life may be getting better.
Summary of Romania - Life seems hard
in this ex-communist country and people were not as outgoing as Bulgaria.
The roads are mediocre but signs were good and maps are excellent - there
are many beautiful places to visit, we would like to have seen more.
ending 15 May 04 (Bob)
Hungary - Entry
into Hungary, which was our entry into the European Union, was
uneventful, in fact it seemed too easy - and they did not stamp our passports
which seemed strange. But never mind, north we drove over flat farm lands
and good roads that were well-sign posted. Our one stop in Hungary was the
capital city of Budapest - one of the cities on our list of 'must-sees'.
We stayed two days and managed to squeeze in:
A City Tour - a bus-window view
introduction to the most important attractions
- an ornate building with 365 spires and magnificent stonework. Inside
it was just as beautiful with gilded statues and stained glass windows.
It was in remarkably good shape considering the bomb damage it sustained
during WWII.
Fisherman's Bastion - this is a
beautiful area with a collection of colonnades, spires, walls, and walkways
overlooking the Danube. From our bus tour it was a remarkable structure on a
hillside, but when we walked over to it we lost it and had great difficulty
finding the street that would lead us to it. At the entrance to the
church that graced the center was a sign advertising the FSU Singers
who would be performing the next evening - straight from the college that
Bob's son is attending.
Chain Bridge - one of the many bridges
that crosses the Danube, this is also one of the many that were rebuilt
after WWII bombing. It is reminiscent of the Brooklyn Bridge and
provided a great way to return from Buda on the east side of the
river to Pest on the west side.
Monument - In the 1890's Hungary built a monument to the heroes that had
contributed to liberating and building the empire over the last 100 years.
It is a beautiful collection of statues and columns, and a reminder that a
notion or empire, no matter how high or mighty, can decline in importance by
virtue of incorrect political decisions.
Szepmuveszeti Muzeum, or Fine Arts Museum
- a good collection of art of all ages, from Egyptian pieces to the Old
Masters from many European countries.
Walk the streets - we walked the
length of Andrassy St with its shops, old homes, and embassies and through
the pedestrian mall with 10-15 blocks of restaurants and souvenir
Vienna, Austria - On our previous trip
through Austria we had crossed from north to south without seeing the big
cities. This time we vowed to correct this oversight. Every vivid
description we had ever heard about Vienna paled in comparison to reality.
A beautiful city with a palace for every taste, music for every ear, and an
easy-to-master transportation system collaborate to make this a wonderful
visitor's destination. We were overwhelmed for choices and decided on:
Walking Tour - three hours of commentary by Josh as we wandered the back
streets and courtyards of old Vienna, with their hanging plants, beautiful
churches, several of Mozart's 16 homes in Vienna, humorous wall paintings of
religious rivalries, remembrances of the Holocaust, a collection of wrought
iron fences - all as a counterpoint to the over-visited palaces.
Our Own Walk - where we gawked at the
Opera House, Hozburg Palace, Stephandom Cathedral and it seemed that every
turn we found another gold-domed palace, prettier than the last one.
On Josh's recommendation we went to an exhibit of
Spanish Riding School - Judi had seen
a write-up for this demonstration of the Lipizzaner horses and their
trainers in our trusty Lonely Planet Guide. We lucked out, there was a
performance the next night and we could get tickets from the ring at the
Hozburg Palace without paying the Tourist Information their exorbitant 22%
commission. The show was a scene out of the 18th century in an indoor
ring, with chandeliers and all of the colorful uniforms and pomp associated
with royalty as the trainers put the horses through their paces. They
walked, cantered, sidestepped, jumped, reared up, and generally performed
like a marching band at a football game. It was a wonderful show, although a
little pricey at $60/person for a hard bench in the nose-bleed section.
-The true Sound Of Music country, initially we bypassed the town to
settle in the beautiful Bergesgaden mountains, a section of the Alps 20 miles
south of Salzburg. Our campsite had wonderful views of the snow-capped ski
areas and a clear lake at the base of the mountains beckoned, but we had to
press on the our date in Finland with friends we had met in NZ.
ending 22 May 04 (Bob)
- We sped through Germany from south to north with a 2-day stop in Potsdam
to bike around the town and take care of chores. Our destination was
Rostock, the port on the Baltic that would be our means for reaching
Scandinavia. We took the Superfast Ferry that zipped us at 26 knots
through the night so that we covered 800 miles (2+ days of travel) in less than
1 day.
Finland - One of our major destinations
for this Spring, we plan to visit Ilona and Jaska, Finnish cruising friends that
we met in New Zealand when we arrived there in 1994. They had moved on in
'98 when we did, but completed their circumnavigation a year later, while we
were still dawdling in Australia. We are really looking forward to
visiting this country of the 'mid-night sun'.
ending 29 May 04 (Bob)
Finland - This has been a wonderful
surprise. Despite all of the glowing reports that our friends Ilona and
Jaska had given us over the years, we have found it even prettier than they
described it. We are beginning at the best time of year in Finland as the
trees put on a new coat, the flowers come out, sailboats dot the Baltic Sea and
inland lakes (despite the 10-15�C temperatures), and
multitudes of people walk and bike the many pathways. Our highlights of
the week?
Visit with Ilona and Jaska -It was great
to catch up with them after 6 years - they left NZ the same time as we did, but
did not tarry, and were back in Finland by 2000. We traded sea stories,
went for walks in the parks of Espoo (their hometown), visited an exhibition of
art by Gallen-Kallela, gawked at old schooners in Helsinki, met their
daughter Hilka, and generally had a wonderful time.
The Sauna - Jaska built the sauna in their
beautiful home (and many others since that is his profession), so we were
introduced to it early in our visit. With a population of 5 million
people, and a reported 3 million saunas in the country, one does not have to go
far to find one. The process includes:
A shower
Ten minute periods of 60�C dry heat
Splashing water on the hot rocks, which
creates a wave of steam that takes your breath away.
Flagellating the body with birch leaves to
improve circulation.
Cooling off periods either at 12�C on the
back porch or in a cold lake
Repeat above for 30-40 minutes
A cleansing shower at the end, and sip juice
or a
cold, well-deserved beer.
 Helsinki -
The capital of Finland is a collection of islands, peninsulas, and bridges glued
together to make Finland's largest city. Several buildings are tall, but
for the most part the city is scaled well for people, low government buildings,
a few high cathedrals, busy waterfront, and many restaurants. The
Finlandia Center was designed by a famous Finnish architect and is a very
attractive white structure. We accompanied Ilona and Jaska to a concert at
the Center one evening, and they performed several very interesting pieces, one
new one with the composer in attendance.
Porvoo -
This is a quaint town along the Baltic shore, with old wooden houses and
churches. We, like many other tourists, enjoyed the warm weather with a
cappuccino on the deck of a floating restaurant. Of course, we had
to take photos of the picturesque waterfront.