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Although very poor, we found the Sudanese people to be very generous, hospitable and friendly.  A visit to Suakin was like stepping back to biblical times.

Since ancient times the Sudan has been an arena for interaction between the cultural traditions of Africa and those of the Mediterranean world. In recent centuries Islām and the Arabic language have achieved ascendancy in many northern parts of the country, while older African languages and cultures predominate in the south. Large parts of the country continue to rely on an agricultural and pastoral subsistence economy, but commercial agriculture�together with more limited mining and industrial development�plays a central role in the northern districts and in the national economy as a whole.1

If you are coming to Sudan from the north or south Red Sea, you can check in in the following ports:

General Information

Country Code:  249
Time Zone:    +2 hours from UTC
Currency:      Sudanese Pound



Check In/Out Procedures  (as of 2003)

Check-In  - These are the procedures we followed in 2003 to follow to check into Sudan

Check-out -  These are the procedures that you follow to check out. 

 1Information obtained from Encyclopedia Britannica


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