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Resources are the tools that help us - we have taken (stolen?) ideas from countless books, magazines, websites, and friendly cruisers over the years.  We have tried to capture some of the most useful books, website links, and sources of weather information - hope they may be of benefit to you as well.

Books - we love them - and have close to 20' of shelf space devoted to them, in fact it is a constant struggle to keep our water-line under control.  Here are the ones we have found to be the most useful

Website Links - real handy for research, planning,  and preparation and accessible worldwide, but don't count on 'surfing' while sailing - yet! 
Weather - this becomes a compulsion for many - including us. We try to find weather windows for going to new places, and avoid being beat up on the way. Here are what we found to be the most useful sources of weather information so far.



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