Germany has remained one of the most powerful
countries in Europe, and remains an interesting country to visit - a
place where Western and Communist values have been reconciled, with
democracy and free enterprise winning the race.
Germany - The Country
Germany, in the post-reunification era, is much
different than Bob remembered it from the Cold War days.
Berlin was accessible by road (vs. darkened night train)
and Checkpoint Charlie is now a museum, the prior East
Germany was vibrant, although lagging economically, and
the country is struggling with the debt of
Some things haven't changed though,
the Hofbrauhaus in Munich still rocks to the Oomph
bands, (although the frauleins serving beer have been
replaced by men from Eastern Europe or the Middle East)
and towns and streets are still neat and tidy. |
Berlin still bears scars from World War II - the
main cathedral remains bombed out just as it was at the end of the
war. The rest of the damage has been cleaned up and the city
restored, but now scars from the Cold War remain - museums and
memorials to the Berlin Wall and those who tried to escape. We
found the center of East Berlin still somewhat seedy, with cheap
shops and skinheads hanging around Alexanderplatz. Public
transport was good and access to our caravan park in nearby Potsdam
was good.
Swiss Saxony
South to the Dresden area, we stayed at a caravan
park owned by an enterprising young couple who provided all of the
amenities that we could want - plus good advice on places to see.
Craftsmanship remains high in what used to be Eastern Germany and we
spent a day wandering through a Christmas shop and loading up for
future Christmas'.
Muenchen is the primary city of Bavaria, and
seemed to us to be just a big city. The area around
Marienplatz was nice for window shopping and