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This wild and woolly border town is right on the border with Iran.  It has a blend of Turkish, Kurdish and Iranian cultures, people, goods and crafts.  We enjoyed seeing and hearing so many different faces and languages.

We traveled to this far eastern border to see Mt. Ararat, the magnificant Isak Pasa Palace and Noah's Ark.  We certainly succeeded seeing two of these three, but there is some skepticism as to the last. 

Our mode of transport piled high with veggies and who knows what else!

Ecris - a transit point on our trip to Dogubeyazit

Butcher in his shop in the market. We sent him this photo.

View of town from Ishak Pasa Palace

Dogubeyazit - in the shadow of Mt. Ararat


Ishak Pasa Palace

Ornate Entrance

Beautifully carved tower

Intricate carving on these arches

High dome

Chai break - enjoying the incredible view and sunny weather

Mt Ararat

Closer view of the peak

Children from a small village at the base of Mt. Ararat

Another view of the mountain

Part of Noah's Ark? You be the judge



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