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Welcome to the Long Passages ship's log.  We plan to post periodic entries while en-route from place to place.  Our hope is to make an entry every few days, but that may not always be possible.  You can catch up with us on our previous passages by visiting our Retired Ships Log

Mediterranean 2004 - 2006



Avg. Speed Distance Avg. Course Wind Weather


Italy to Spain June 2006
15/6/06 39� 15.8N 02� 56.4E 5.8 kts 124 nm 274� NE 10-20 kts Cloudy Staysail unfurls and flogs in wind.  It gets wrapped around stay so we take it down. In lee of Mallorca and tied up at Marina Arenal at 1100.  Arrived to find red, muddy dust from Sahara all over boat.  Spend several hours washing boat and ourselves
14/6/06 39� 08.5N 05� 00.4E 5.2 kts 124 nm 254� E 12-22 kts Partly cloudy and hazy Autopilot back on. Gybed sails several times as wind oscillates E - SE.  We are sailing dead-downwind.  Denis steers for about an hour. Finally swell goes down some. Much more comfortable sailing.
13/6/06 38� 53.6N 08� 01.3E 6.0 kts 42 nm 273� E 10-18 kts Clear Anchor up at 6am in light winds.  So sailing downwind - wing and wing with yankee poled out.  Rolly but good speed.  Large, steep seas make for uncomfortable sailing. Hand-steering most of night. 3 School of dolphins have fun swimming in bow wake.
12/6/06 38� 53.6N 08� 48.6E 6.0 kts 29 nm 191� SE 10-22 kts Clear Leave Cagliari to motor-sail to Malfatano, a lovely anchorage on the west coast of Sardinia.
10/6/06 38� 43.9N 11� 03.0E 5.0 kts 120 nm 282� NNE 7-15 kts Clear Finally able to sail on the last few miles into Cagliari, Sardinia,  Arrived at 1330.
9/6/06 38� 43.9N 11� 03.0E 5.0 kts 120 nm 282� NE 6-10 kts Clear Still motoring in light winds.  2 Dolphins joined us for quite some time
8/6/06 38� 27.2N 14� 20.3E 5.0 kts 95 nm 270� NW 5-8 kts Clear Motored towards Sardinia on calm seas - spotted a sea turtle
7/6/06 38� 25.1N 14� 57.7E 5.0 kts 16 nm 180� W 5 kts Partly cloudy Arrived at Vulcano, an Aeolian island with an active volcano and anchored in it shadow - snug for a day.
6/6/06 38� 49.2N 15� 07.6E 5.0 kts 50 nm 268� NW 6 kts Clear We started on a 3-day trip to Sardinia but near midnight on the first night diverted south to avoid potential thunderstorm ahead.
Italy August 2005
3/08/05 38� 43.0N 16� 07.7E 5.5 kts 52 nm 25� NW 5-30 kts Squalls and clouds Out of our worst harbor in years in moderate winds.  It quickly picked up to 30 knots as we passed Messina and ferries from both sides crisscrossed in front and behind us - very exciting.  Once out of strait winds abated although squalls followed us all day. Sought refuge in Stella del Sud marina in Vibo Valenti.
2/08/05 38� 07.4N 15� 38.9E 6.5 kts 65 nm 270� then 0� NW 5-8 kts Clear Out at 0615 and motored in smooth seas along the 'toe' of Italy and around the tip to Reggio Calabria in the Messina Straits.  No space in the marina so tied up to commercial bulkhead on bumpers and black tires.
1/08/05 38� 19.6N 16� 26.0E 5.5 kts 10 nm 270� NW 5-30 kts Clear Out at 0700 in light winds.  Wind picked up shortly to 20-30 kts; decided to return to Rochelle since we felt north winds in the Messina Strait would be untenable.
Greek Islands June-July 2005
30/07/05 38� 19.6N 16� 26.0E 3.6 kts 50 nm 255� NW 5 kts Clear Dodged a few fishing boats and arrived in the morning at Rochelle Ionica, Italy.
29/07/05 38� 27.5N 17� 07.9E 3.8 kts 100 nm 255� N to NNE 5-20 kts Clear Motored most of the day; sailed for several hours in the morning.
28/07/05 38� 51.4N 19� 20.9E 4.5 kts 50 nm 270� NW 5-16 kts Hazy First day of 2-day passage from Greece to Italy.  Motored and sailed intermittently close-hauled.
22/07/05 38� 49.8N 20� 42.8E 5.5 kts 8 nm 350� S 5 kts Clear Motored north in a canal first dug 3000 years ago.  Pulled into Kefkas Marina, good experience.
20/07/05 38� 42.1N 20� 42.8E 5.6 kts 29 nm 340� N 5 kts Clear Anchor up with lots of mud.  Motored past islands, including Scorpios and lots of charter boats.  Anchor in tight quarters in Tranquil Bay, Lefkas.
19/07/05 38� 24.0N 21� 06.6E 5.7 kts 56 nm 260� W 8 kts Clear Out at 0620 and passed under the new Rion bridge near Patras, finally clearing the Gulf of Corinth at 1500.  Anchored in Petala Limani, wide open but very protected from the north.
16/07/05 38� 22.4N 22� 04.4E 5 kts 21 nm 260� NW <5 kts Clear Out at 0645 and had a drama as Judi picked up someone's concrete mooring block when she raised the anchor.  Motored to Trizonia, tied to free quay in cute town.
15/07/05 38� 22.6N 22� 23.2E 5.2 kts 42 nm 310� NW 5-8 kts Partly coudy Up at 0615 to get an early start thru the canal after waiting 2 days 'for weather' Paperwork was quick (15 minutes) and transit took a little over an hour.  Passed huge pods of dolphins and continued to motor to Galaxhidi; tied to quay.
12/07/05 37� 55.6N 23� 0.8E 4.5 kts 23 nm 270� NW 15-20 kts Clear Out at 0850 motoring and motor-sailing across the Saronic Sea.  Anchored at Kalamaki near the entrance to the Corinth Canal.
3/07/05 37� 56.1N 23� 38.9E 5.5 kts 50 nm 320� NW 5-8 kts Clear then thunder storm Out at 0530 - lumpy seas as we rounded N end of Kithnos; smoother  as we moved into open water. Motored into the Saronic Bay, south of Athens. Entered Zea Marina Athens as a squall, and our first rain in months blew over.
1/07/05 37� 26.5N 24� 25.6E 5.5 kts 50 nm 280� SW 5-8 kts Clear Out at 0530 for a quiet motoring trip.  Seas were 1 meter as we passed South of Siros.  Arrived at Kithnos at 1330 and tied up at marina in Loutra; power and water for free.
23/06/05 37� 25.2N 25� 19.4E 5.5 kts 70 nm 270� NW 15-30 kts Clear Out at 0530 for a long, wet slog.  Seas ranged from 2-3 meters and confused in the lee of Ikaria and N end of Patmos; more regular between the islands.  Sailed and motor-sailed on close and broad reaches using mizzen/yankee/staysail and then double-reefed main/yankee/staysail.  Got into lee of Mykonos by 1700 and anchored in Ornos, Mykonos at 1815.
22/06/05 37� 19.7N 26� 32.7E 5 kts 4 nm 200� NW 10-15 kts Clear Moved from Kambos to Skala Patmos
20/06/05 37� 17.2N 26� 34.0E 4.5 kts 25 nm 300� NW 10-15 kts Clear Out of anchorage at 0740 and alternated motoring and sailing. Anchored in Kambos, Patmos
19/06/05 37� 06.4N 26� 52.4E 5.4 kts 25 nm 300� NW 5-15 kts Clear Left Kos at 1000, motored into 3' seas in pass N of Kos; flat seas as we passed Kalimnos; anchored at Xerokambos on Leros.
16/06/05 36� 53.5N 27� 18.1E 5.5 kts 40 nm 330� NW 5-15 kts Clear Wind was light so we left at 0700 and motored into the lee of Kos, around the East end and into the new Kos Marina
Marmaris to Datca, Turkey May-June 2005
12/06/05 36� 43.2N 27� 41.3E 5 kts 12 nm 270� 10-15 nm Clear Motored into moderate seas and anchored in Datca harbor.
11/06/05 36� 45.0N 27� 53.6E 5.5 kts 25 nm 270� 15-20 kts Clear Beat into 15 knots for several hours and then motor-tacked to anchor at Kurucu Buku; a snug anchorage.
05/06/05 36� 43.1N 29� 07.9E 5 kts 13 nm 340� 5-15 kts Clear Rounded Atabol point and tied up to slip at Marti Marina
03/06/05 36� 41.0N 29� 03.9E 5 kts 6 nm 50� W 10 kts Clear Motored to Kizili Adasi; anchored in pretty spot between mainland and 2 islands
02/06/05 36� 35.1N 29� 04.7E 5 kts 20 nm NW 10 -15kts Clear Up early and motored around south end of peninsula to anchor at Sogut Koyu, near cottage and fish farm.
01/06/05 36� 32.3N 29� 0.7E 5.8-6.0 kts. 3 nm 180� Sw 10kts Clear Motored to next bay, Bozuk Limani
31/05/05 36� 33.4N 29� 06.5E 5.5 kts. 22 nm 160� SW 5-8 kts. Clear Motored around Marmaris Bay and then SE along the Marmaris peninsula.  Anchored in Serece Limani
28/05/05 36� 49.7N 28� 18.6E 5 kts. 20 nm 303� NNW 10 kts. Clear Motored to Pupa Yacht Hotel and anchored
Antalya to Marmaris (180 nautical miles) June 2004
22/06/04 36�49.7'N 28� 18.6' E 4.5 kts. 20nm 297� NW 10-15 Clear Motored-sailed into Marmaris Bay and anchored in front of Pupa Yacht Hotel. Moved into Marmaris Yacht Marina later in day.
21/06/04 18� 52.81'N 37� 24.83' E 5.4 kts 35 nm 305� NW 6-8 Clear Left at 1830 and motored in sloppy seas past the "Seven Capes" region, well-known for rough seas because of current flowing against the prevailing winds.  Came across fishing fleet and had to be led by trawler through the maze of nets
19/06/04 36� 15.6N 29� 22.1E 4.5 kts. 16nm 280� NW 6-8 Clear Motored and anchored at Yesilkoy Limani
17/06/04 36� 12.2N 29� 37.9E 5.5 kts. 20nm 278� NE 6-8 Clear Motor-sailed in sloppy seas. Anchored at Kas in front of the new 'marina', not yet finished.
16/06/04 36� 09.9N 29� 48.2E 4.5 kts. 10nm 302� W 8 Clear Motored
14/06/04 36� 11.6N 29� 50.8E 5.5 kts. 8nm 340� W 5 Clear Short hop to anchor at Ucagiz; cold water springs but very nice.
12/06/04 36� 12.7N 29� 53.6E 5.5 kts. 20nm 280� W 5 Clear Motored to Kekova Roads and anchored at Gokkaya Limani
9/06/04 36� 13.1N 30� 8.9E 5 kts. 20nm 280� SE 5 Clear Motored and moored at Finicke Marina
8/06/04 36� 17.9N 30� 28.4E 5.5 kts. 20nm 180� SE 6-8 Clear Motor-sailed and anchored at Cavus Limani
7/06/04 36� 35.9N 30� 34.6E 5 kts. 25nm 185� S 10 Clear Motored to vicinity of Park Kemer Marina; anchored off town - loud booming music from bars until late.

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